Health and Safety Protocols


Key Safety Measures we are taking:


Daily Hygiene 

Wash your hands often 

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth  

Avoid close contact 

Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when around others 

Cover coughs and sneezes 

Clean and disinfect 

Monitor Your Health Daily, taking daily temperatures. 



Daily Practices

  • Daily Temperature Screenings at home
  • Daily Random Screenings of students and school-based staff upon entering building
  • Masks must be worn at all times, except for eating and for those individuals with medical conditions (doctor’s note required and must be given to the school nurse)
  • The following face coverings are NOT permitted on DOE property:
    • Bandanas and neck gaiters are not permitted
    • Face coverings with an exhalation valve or vent are not permitted as exhalation valves allow unfiltered air to escape to others.
    • Face coverings that completely cover or hide an individual’s face, such as ski masks, are not permitted.
    • Unless otherwise approved by school administration, clear face shields cannot be worn unless accompanied by a face covering.
  • Everyone is to follow social distance guidelines by staying six feet apart from one another. Be considerate of others. We are in this together.
  • Floor markings will show six feet distance and directional signs.
  • Classroom signs stating room capacity
  • Stairwells are one-directional
  • Hallways floor signs indicate directional walking flow
  • Access to multiple hand sanitizers throughout school building
  • Students will bring in own water bottles
  • Students may not share items
  • Students will be instructed on Covid-19 Health and Safety Guidelines
  • Students will be assigned seating facing one direction at six feet apart.
  • Students will be responsible for cleaning and sanitizing their desks before leaving. Materials will be provided.
  • Faculty and staff will be responsible for cleaning and sanitizing their areas before leaving the building. Materials will be provided.
  • Teachers will travel to students. Students will remain in same room throughout day to the greatest extent possible
  • Custodian will sanitize school building on a nightly basis with a CDC approved electrostatic sprayer
  • Additional cleaning and sanitizing throughout day in ‘high touch areas’
  • Our communication with parents continues to be a strong practice. In order to support our collaboration, we will use video conferencing, emails and telephone calls in place of in-person meetings
  • Families and visitors must remain outside building unless it is a scheduled appointment approved by administration.
  • All visitors will complete Daily Health Screening Questionnaire and will be temperature scanned


School Building

The school building will be formatted in such a way to meet the guidelines and to allow for social distancing.


  • “The building will speak to you”, meaning physical guides will be present throughout the building, such as indicators of social distancing as well as hallway traffic patterns. The traffic of the hallways will be in one direction, so no one is facing another person. Signs will be placed outside of all restrooms limiting capacity.
  • The school has a ventilation system that meets DOE guidelines. Windows in classroom will be opened to provide air circulation. Classroom doors will remain open for air flow. Building air vents will remain open. These vents allow the air from outdoors to come in.
  • We will be operating on a 50% building capacity. Student groups will follow Model 1A. Each group will follow a 2-week model and come to school 2 days a week and with an alternate Monday. We will follow a three-day schedule. Class time periods are attached for your review.
  • Classroom desks will be placed facing one direction and six feet apart. Students will sit in assigned seats.
  • The school building will be open to students from 8:05 AM until 1:45 PM.
  • Visitors will only be admitted for emergency reasons and with the approval of an administrator.


Student & Staff Practices to Fight the Spread or COVID-19


Wear a Mask at all Times


Maintain a minimum of six-feet distance from others, including when in line.


Sneeze and cough into a cloth, tissue or elbow


Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer when hand washing is not possible.


Do not shake hands or engage in any physical contact



All desks or individual workstations are separated by at least six feet


Do not congregate in work rooms, lounge or other areas where people socialize.



Only use knuckle or elbow to touch light-switches, elevator buttons, etc.



When opening doors (especially bathroom or other public area doors) or touching other public surfaces, use a paper towel, tissue, or disposable glove.



Use general surface cleaning products or wipes to clean commonly touched surfaces.


Walk on right side of hallway, following signs for traffic flow.


If an individual walks towards your direction, pause and wait for the individual to move to the other side.  If an individual does not move to the other side, you move to the other side and avoid direct contact.



Students should not be sent to the Main Office.


Teachers will monitor/track students sent to Bathroom




First Point of Screening—Home: Families and staff are encouraged to self-report any symptoms of illness by calling the school. Symptoms include:

  • Fever or chills,
  • Cough,
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • and more.


 A complete list of symptoms can be found on the Center for Disease Control website at:


Second Point of Screening—School and Bus: Anyone with visible signs of illness should not travel on the bus. 

Final Point of Screening—School: The nursing staff will check for any visible symptoms of COVID-19, as well as follow up with any families previously sick to ensure that they are well. All staff and families will be educated on when they or the children should remain at home, as well as when they can return to school. Employees and students who are sick or were recently in close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 are to stay home. More about what close contact entails can be found at


In the unlikely event that a student arrives at school with symptoms, the student will be in an isolated area until a parent/guardian arrives at school immediately after the school nurse informs them.